Friday, May 13, 2011

Can you Yodel?

Meet Lulu and June Hummingbottom, the conjoined twin daughters of French Canadian genetics Scientist Judy Hummingbottom and renowned Anglo Canadian Pianist Lewis Hummingbottom. The twins are talented and gifted singers specializing in Opera and Jazz, and they can Yodel too!

Lulu Hummingbottom
Part of their act is to dress up as an Angel and Devil, Lulu as the Angel and June as the Devil, however off stage their personalities are to the contrary. Lulu admits she is the cheeky loud one with an "Encyclopedia of Vices".

"If it's frowned upon cos it's 'naughty' or 'innapropiate' I probably indulge myself. Drives June crazy"
- Lulu Hummingbottom   

June Hummingbottom

This has been yet another sneaky preview of the 'Goils of the Sideshow' as part of The Sideshow exhibition, grand opening 7pm Wednesday, August 3 at 6:00pm  until August 26 at Miss Libertine
34 Franklin St
Melbourne, Australia

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