A tiny figure but a big presence, Noelle flashes a brilliant smile from the top of her custom made high stool, with extra ‘booster’ books, designed to make her eye level with most normal sized people, or humans... because Noelle is not human.
‘Mon père was a Faery, ma mere Unyuk* (*Pronounced: oón-yuk) which iz like a type of one-eyed Troll. I am what you call ‘hybrid’ of ze two, as you see with my extra eye and my gift for talking to spiritueux and seeing ze future. Unfortunately, because of my muddled appearance, I do not fit in ze world of faery, nor do I fit in with ze unyuks.
“My spiritueux guides encourage me to join ze human world, which I did, though sadly in doing so I vill never see mes parents again. I cannot return. Fortunately I find a place for myself in ze community of ze Sideshow. Now zey are ma famille.”
She smiles, a twinkle in her eye, “I found ze Sideshow, they did not find me. Now they would be lost without me”.
She suddenly sighs wearily to herself, "My ‘ed getz so crowded with all ze visions and ze spiritueux voices talking at me all ze time. Zey never stop. I mean, I am use to et, but I still get tired. I paint because et is ze only time I can make my ‘sight’ and mind quiet .The spiritueux and ze visions do not disturb me when I sit in front of a blank canvas. Perhaps et is because they are so interested as to what I might paint or maybe et is because zey can not second guess me. Or maybe both?”
She suddenly bursts into laugher that sounds like crystal prisms in the wind, “Do you want to know my real name? I tell you. Mon nom réel est Pluie Noelene Willowglitter. Willowglitter is mon père family name. Ma mere.....well, she just liked ze name Noelene”. Noelle shakes her head and wrinkles her nose, “Me, I do not like name... not at all. So I change it to Noelle – so iz like ‘Leetle Mz, Noelle Et’all’*, iz clever non?” *(Little Miss Know It All)